Friday, April 22, 2011

Day One

Tomorrow is a Huge day for The AMP project.

Thanks to B@S construction for their donation of the trailer.
This is a huge move for us. Tomorrow we begin the process
Of converting the tailed into our audio control room. It needs some love but it will turn out rad! 

Thank you to Key Stone Comcrete Designs for donating interior paint and hard wood flooring. 
This is a big deal in helping it look less like camper and more like a control room. We wouldn't want people to be scared when they enter.

Thank you Rogue Garden Supply for donating the heavy equipment necessary to transport the trailer from it's little shaddy hole, to the car wash and into the sun. Once it gets a little drier we can put a new roof on.

Aaron Todd Esquire will be there filming the process so you can see our truly humble beginnings.
We hope to have it up in a day or two for you to watch.

We would also like to thank Jesse "the magnificent" Smith for helping us with the cleaning 
and transportation of the beast.
Without the shear power and work ethic of Jesse AMPP would be lost.

As with all things dear, we think it needs a name. Does anyone have an idea  for a name for her/him (the trailer?)

I love you all but AMPP loves you more.
I'll let you know how it goes.

Today is already the best day I have ever had.

Stay Free everyone

Joshua, Scott, and Bree

1 541 601 1066

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Media Player Blues

Josh and I have been fighting our media player for a solid week now. We have tried everything we could to get media on that page and it was looking pretty blue there for a bit. But tonight we had a breakthrough. After talking to tech support for Go Daddy we discovered that our server is brand new, and thus learned how to work around its subtle quirks. So now i present to you a fully functioning media page. Enjoy!

Lomax and Battlecat
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

Joshua and Scott verse Linux

After seven days of working we have gotten our website debugged. Check out the Media page. Three days to find out Linux hosting is case sensitive.Check it out.

The American music project

We power forward.

To the Moon.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Media Page

Josh and I have spent the past week struggling with our media player plug-in for the page, but tonight we prevailed! We are uploading previous work as we speak. So check it out, and enjoy the tunes.

Joshua and Scott
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

The Power of Facebook

Power of facebook:
Today I put the links to the site up on our face book pages. Wow.
That web site really does work.  The network is stronger than ever.
Everyone wants to help. You all are so fantastic. So many good ideas.
Watch for the sponsors link on our site. You guys are rad.


Today at 3:00 Scott is coming over after work.

We are going to move the website from my computer to his. He is going to finish out his term at school up here in Portland and be webmaster....meanwhile I am traveling to Grants Pass to start on the trailer. Southern Oregon lives in the shadow of technology and I fear of being Webmaster from afar.  Wait for the pictures. Don't worry, we aren't type people either. The upcoming AMPP blog will be of big pictures and few words.

Today is the big day for Bree. She is traveling back to California. It will be like lifting through the clouds in a plane. Rock and Roll Bree.

We have been training for our trip. We are trying to eat food that has no taste. Its usually better and cheaper. Rice, Beans, Chicken, peppers.....repeat.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Non Profit Paper work.

I just got done filing out our Articles of Incorporation. Wow that government site had more bugs then ours. Thank you Peter Shaver for being our lawyer. Without your donation of labor we would be sunk.

We also got a camera for the trip from Chris Pilter, Thank you Chris...America thanks you. Its a panasonic 3ccd handheld. I helped him pick it out when he bought it so i know its sweet.

Talked to Dan Alden about trading studio time for the plumbing job in the trailer. Two birds right?

We are also trying to get a group of people up here in portland and Eugene who want to help us test our gear...i.e. get a free record.

We talking to John Browne Jr. (early S.F. scene) trying to get him to get some of his buddies together to jam for us.

That record would be rad.

Why record so close to home?

We figured it would be better to have massive technique difficulties closer to our support network.

If you think you know of someone of something worth archiving
get a hold of us.

P.S.  Caleb Klauder we want to record you.



Scott and I, over the last few days have been working on getting our site up. We had no idea of the learning curve involved with HTML. I'd say I we did a pretty good job. I think its total debugged. Its not mobile defined yet so it look terrible on phones, but aside that YES!!!.
or just click on our banner.

Let us know if you find a flaw.

Joshua and Scott 


Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Transformation Begins

On friday we are pulling the trailer from its current home to its new modification location. The transformation begins. Jesse, and Aaron said they could help. We are going to pull it up from its little hole and put it out into the sunshine. Most things improve when pulled from darkness and placed in light. Take that from a northwestern.